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Industry Info

What is the organic fertilizer production process of making sludge into fertilizer?


In order for all of us to have clean water, almost every city has a sewage treatment plant. However, the domestic sludge produced by sewage treatment plants has always been a headache for the environmental protection department, because these sludge is rich in a large number of organic substances and pathogenic bacteria, insect eggs, weed species and heavy metal ions, which is easy to produce odor, spawn mosquitoes and flies, and pollute the environment. At present, the main treatment methods are landfill, reclamation and incineration, and the treatment methods of the existing technology can easily cause secondary environmental pollution and waste a lot of organic fertilizer resources. So how to make domestic sludge into organic fertilizer?Take a look at the organic fertilizer production process below

1, adjust the moisture of raw materials:
The sludge in the water treatment plant, the general water content is relatively high, about 75%-80%, generally after anaerobic fermentation, the harmful bacteria content is not high, the raw materials with low water content should be first placed under the fermentation tank when transported back to the fermentation plant, and then the water absorption auxiliary materials are placed upward, so that the liquid organic fertilizer can be fully utilized, which can increase the various nutrients in the raw materials. The water content of the material in the fermentation is 50%-55%. Add water-absorbing auxiliary materials in the sludge, such as domestic waste and crushed crop stalks, branches, leaves and backfill sludge fertilizer with low moisture content after fermentation: general sludge accounts for 60%-70%, and domestic waste and other water-absorbing auxiliary materials account for about 30%-40%.
2. Add sludge starter (RW corrosion promoter) :
Adding sludge starter to the sludge is generally added before fermentation, and the fermentation bacteria are evenly mixed with the sludge by tossing and stirring, and the addition amount of composite fermentation bacteria is generally about 0.1% - 0.3%. Just put the sludge starter into the sludge.

3. Turn the pile for fermentation:
After high temperature fermentation can effectively kill pathogenic microorganisms and roundworm eggs in the sludge, fix heavy metals in the microbial body, or become insoluble carbonate, prevent heavy metals from entering the food chain. When the temperature reaches 65-70 degrees, it can be turned over and cooled. When the temperature is too high, the beneficial bacteria in the raw material will be killed, and the beneficial bacteria content in the finished product is not up to standard, the summer fermentation to 5-7 days can be out of the tank, the winter 12-15 can be out of the tank, placed in the storage plant for stacking fermentation, the time is 3-5 days, so that the water content can be granulated in 35%-40%.
There are two kinds of fermentation methods: the ground strip fermentation using the ground pile turning machine; And the fermentation of trough flipping by using trough flipping machine. In the organic fertilizer production process, which converts sludge into fertilizer, the tank fermentation rotary machine can be used

4. Material crushing:
Because the fermented material contains small clumps, which is not conducive to the granulation of the finished product behind, the material can be crushed at this time, and the organic fertilizer crusher can be carried out

5, material mixing:
The pulverized material is transported to the distribution bin, sent to the main conveyor by automatic batching, and sent to the mixer for mixing.

6. Material granulation:
Small and medium-sized organic fertilizer plants generally use disk granulator granulation, which can save investment costs, and the ball formation rate is also higher, which can reach more than 93%. Among them, there are three kinds of particles, the Angle of the granulation plate must be adjusted to a certain position, according to the size of the particle to determine the Angle, the larger the Angle, the smaller the particle, the smaller the Angle, the larger the particle.
Our company recommends users to use the "organic fertilizer new granulator", the equipment not only into the ball rate is higher than the disk granulator, the organic content of the produced organic fertilizer can be as high as 100%, the product value is higher.

7, organic fertilizer drying and cooling process:
The granulate organic fertilizer semi-finished particles are sent to the dryer by the main conveyor for drying, and the drying temperature is controlled below 70 degrees, because the feed water content is about 35%-40%, the temperature is too high will kill the beneficial bacteria in the raw material, the retention time of the particles in the dryer is 40-45 minutes, the dryer speed is 4.5-5 revolution, and the discharge port can be reached.
The dried organic fertilizer finished particles are sent to a screening machine through the conveyor, sorting out large, medium and small particles, the larger particles are sent to the crusher by the return material belt for re-granulation, the medium and finished materials are sent to the cooling machine by the conveyor, because the particles have a certain temperature, the particles are sent after cooling, and the fine powder is separated by two sieving.

8. Finished product packaging
The finished organic fertilizer particles are sent through the conveyor to the organic fertilizer automatic packaging machine, and the finished biological organic fertilizer can be measured and packaged.

The application of bio-organic fertilizer produced by sludge can improve soil activity and effectively repair the hardening of soil caused by long-term use of inorganic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer. It is beneficial to the absorption of crops and the balance of nutrients, and beneficial bacteria can promote the effective release of residual nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients in the soil, which can increase crop yield and prevent a variety of soil diseases and pests.
This organic fertilizer production process is also suitable for other manure, organic biological processing, a multi-purpose machine, if necessary, you can consult at any time


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