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Industry Info

The specific method of making wine lees into organic fertilizer production


 As the residue left over from brewing liquor or beer, the nutrients contained in grains still exist, and the use of wine lees as feed is a very good method. Of course, besides the use of wine lees as feed, fermented wine lees is also very suitable for fertilizer. There are many cases of fermented wine lees as fertilizer for flowers and fruit trees. Just need to use the starter to ferment the lees is a very good biological organic fertilizer, not only suitable for use as topdressing, but also can be used as a base fertilizer to fermentation ratio.
The organic matter content of lees is high and the nutrients are low. If you want to ferment into qualified organic fertilizer, it is recommended to ferment with materials with higher nutrients such as feces or cake meal. The qualified organic fertilizer standard is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ≧5%, organic matter ≧45%, the best use of organic fertilizer starter culture during fermentation, fast warming, short maturation period, can quickly decompose the wood fiber inside the lees. It can be fermented into qualified organic fertilizer within 15 days, and the use of appropriate organic fertilizer production machines can make reasonable use of these resources
Rotary drum dryer is one of the key equipment for organic fertilizer production

Lees drying machine working performance
*The distribution and angle design of the lifting plate of the drum dryer is reasonable and the performance is reliable, so the heat energy utilization rate is high and the drying is uniform.
*The tumble dryer equipment adopts a self-aligning tug structure, and the cooperation between the tug and the rolling ring is good, which greatly reduces the wear and power consumption.
*The specially designed blocking wheel structure in this equipment greatly reduces the horizontal thrust caused by the equipment's tilting work. Strong anti-overload capability, stable cylinder operation and high reliability.
*The dryer has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, and can use high temperature hot air to quickly dry the material.Strong
scalability, the design takes into account the production margin.
*The tumble dryer has a large processing capacity, low fuel consumption and low drying costs.
Structure of the rotary drum dryer
1. Bracket part: the bracket part includes the front bracket and the rear bracket, which is fixed on the corresponding foundation to support the cylinder for positioning and rotation. The front and rear brackets are composed of bracket, supporting wheel frame and supporting wheel. During installation, the height and angle of the equipment can be adjusted by adjusting the distance between the two supporting wheels on the front and rear brackets.
2. Transmission part: the transmission part provides the power required for the normal operation of the whole dryer. Its components include transmission frame, motor, V-belt transmission mechanism, reducer and gear transmission mechanism, etc. the reducer and gear are connected and transmitted by direct coupling or coupling according to the load.
3. Cylinder: the cylinder is the working part of the whole dryer. There are roller belt for support and gear ring for transmission on the outside, and the internal welding lifting plates are distributed in rows. When the dryer is working, the materials are continuously lifted and thrown to form heat exchange to achieve the purpose of drying.
4. Head, tail, air pipe, fire pipe: this part constitutes the hot air circulation and dust removal system required in the operation of the dryer. The sealing between the head, the tail and the body is good, so that the hot air can continuously carry away the moisture contained in the particles, so as to achieve the purpose of drying the particles evenly. When the operator needs to enter the inside of the cylinder for operation, please enter through the manhole under the condition of shutdown.

Zhengzhou Huaqiang Heavy Industry Technology Co., Ltd. engaged in fertilizer equipment production industry for more than 30 years, specializing in the production of organic fertilizer production line, organic fertilizer processing equipment, organic fertilizer production line equipment, welcome to consult at any time

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