Industry Info

Industry Info

Equipment configuration for making fertilizer on the organic fertilizer production line of cow and sheep manure



The livestock and poultry breeding industry has developed rapidly, with the characteristics of regionalization, scale, and intensive management. Animal husbandry has made significant contributions to the improvement of people's living standards, but it has also caused serious environmental pollution, hindering the sustainable and stable development of the animal husbandry industry. Animal manure is rich in organic matter and a certain amount of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, making it a good source of organic fertilizer. If livestock manure is not treated and directly discharged into the environment, it not only pollutes the environment, spreads diseases, but also causes waste of resources. Therefore, it is very important to harmless and resource treat livestock and poultry manure.

If it is a traditional rural fertilizer making method, organic fertilizer can be composted without any mechanical equipment, but the composting cycle is too long. The production of simple powdered cow and sheep manure organic fertilizer can be achieved with only one composting machine and grinder.

How to configure the organic fertilizer production line using cow and sheep manure? How much is the equipment for producing organic fertilizer from cow and sheep manure?

1. The simple configurations for producing granular organic fertilizers include a crusher, mixer, granulator, screening machine, and packaging machine.

2. The complete set of cow and sheep manure organic fertilizer equipment includes: composting machine, grinder, mixer, granulator, dryer, cooler, screening machine, coating machine, and packaging machine.

The traditional composting method is definitely being phased out now. The simple production mode of powdered organic fertilizer is suitable for self use. If you have a large amount of farmland or orchard tea gardens, this production mode is recommended. After the fermentation of organic fertilizers is completed, granulation treatment is also required. The commonly used granulation techniques include the agglomeration method and the extrusion method. The former is carried out in a granulation machine, where the raw materials need to be stirred evenly in a mixer according to a certain formula, and then transported to the granulation machine for granulation. After that, a series of treatments such as drying, screening, cooling, returning, wrapping, and tail gas purification are carried out to finally obtain the organic fertilizer product. The production capacity of the pellet method is high, and the fertilizer particles produced have the advantages of smooth appearance and uniform particle size.

The products produced by simple configuration of granular organic fertilizers can be sold, but the price is not high, suitable for small-scale sales. This type of production line configuration is suitable for enterprises that do not have sufficient funds in the early stage but want large-scale production, and other equipment can be supplemented later.

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