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Industry Info

Bio-organic fertilizer production has become the main engine leading rural economic development


Into a county in Shanxi Province, along with the rumbling sound of machines, the workshop assembly line continuously launched bags of organic fertilizer, the three-wheeler outside the factory to send manure lined up in a long line, a prosperous industry, full of energy scene.Bagging, sealing, handling, palletizing, the 58-year-old uncle is busy and familiar with the road.

Relying on the fertilizer factory, more than 20 people in the village have realized local work. Every idle season, there are more than 60 farmers in the village who participate in the purchase and transportation of sheep manure, and the annual household income increases by 70,000 yuan, which greatly drives the income of the villagers. According to reports, this is a production of organic fertilizer based environmental protection and ecological enterprises, mainly pig, cattle, sheep and other livestock manure and farm manure as raw materials, after a series of processes such as fermentation, sterilization, the production of organic fertilizer rich in a variety of organic acids and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients.
In the raw material warehouse of the organic fertilizer factory, raw materials such as sheep manure and grass ash are piled up, and the machines in the workshop are constantly running. After feeding, feeding, granulation, packaging and other processes, the original humble sheep manure has transformed into a bag of identity and brand "organic fertilizer". In the finished products warehouse, the organic fertilizer products are placed neatly, and the workers are moving the finished products to the truck in an orderly manner to ensure that the organic fertilizer products are transported to the hands of customers in a timely manner.
There are countless examples of bio-organic fertilizer production like sheep manure in the country, but there are some that are not clear about it, and today you can make a reference.
How to produce fertilizer? The organic fertilizer production is mainly the fermentation part and the production granulation part. Even if the raw materials for organic fertilizers are better fermented, granulation is also difficult, because the characteristics of organic raw materials are rough raw materials, lighter, and lower bonding rate. Different organic materials have different characteristics. Therefore, when selecting equipment, you should be taken carefully. Otherwise, it will not only affect the output, but also the appearance of the finished product will not reach the required perfection.
Main equipment that bio-organic fertilizer production line
1.Compost turning machine: The compost turner machine throws the material. When the temperature rises above 55℃, turning over the compost once a day can promote the evaporation of water in the compost, make oxygen enter the fermentation reactor, and accelerate the fermentation.

2.rusher: Crushing compost and bulk materials to obtain powdered organic fertilizer after crushing.

3.Mixer: Different materials are thoroughly mixed in the mixer.

4.Granulator: The fermented manure, straw, mushroom residue and other organic fertilizers are made into granules
5.Drum dryer: Removes the moisture of the organic fertilizer granules, making the organic fertilizer easy to store.

6.Drum cooler: Cool the dried particles to avoid the heat absorption of organic fertilizer.
7.Rotary screening machine: Screening organic fertilizer to obtain uniform particles.

8.Packing machine: Automatically quantitatively pack the organic fertilizer, and then put it into stock.

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